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      Enrolment terms and conditions.

      1. ACCESS
        1. Purchase of a seat or single license is assigned to a single individual only, and cannot be changed after enrolment.
        2. Sharing of credentials or other violations of intellectual property terms will result in immediate termination of the individual’s and/or group’s license(s) at Decision Design’s discretion.
        3. Decision Design retains the right to delete any users posts within the course deemed inappropriate and/or offensive, and to terminate the user if inappropriate behaviour persists.
        4. Access is granted to the course for a set period of time from enrolment.

        1. By enrolling in this program, all attendees and related parties hereby agree that the content of this program is protected and cannot be copied, captured, recorded, reproduced, used or distributed, internal or external to and by any entity, in part or full, in any format, forum or medium without prior written consent from Decision Design.
        2. Program content including all materials, information, concepts, processes, methodologies, patents, copyright, moral rights, registered designs, registered and unregistered trademarks, trade secrets, knowhow, confidential information and all other intellectual property as defined in Article 2 of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation of July 1967, within, appended, attached and related, written and non-written, stated and implied, is commercial-in-confidence.
        3. Any recipient of this content, including any part thereof, attachment, appendix or related documents or information, written or non-written, stated or implied, agrees to hold all intellectual property as defined above as confidential, and agrees to not copy, capture, record, use, reproduce or disclose, or allow any of the same, of any intellectual property to unauthorised parties, directly or indirectly, irrespective of any acceptance or rejection of program contents or related documents or any related proposals or advisory, or at any time before, during or after any related agreement has been reached, without prior written consent from Decision Design.
        4. All intellectual property as defined above, written and non-written, stated and implied, remains the property of Decision Design and no other parties. This program assigns no ownership nor usage rights to any parties.